Advent 2014 – Day 4

Advent 2014

Daily Theme: The Fall


Mouskin’s Christmas Eve by Edna Miller (for Elijah)

The Little Fir Tree by Margaret Wise Brown (for Ian)

Arianna has patiently been waiting for her day to open the door on the Advent calendar, light our candle, and hang our Jesse Tree LEGO Challenge ornament.

 I’ve been having the boys read the Scripture passage themselves on their day, but for Arianna, we read from her picture Bible (the original version of The Beginner’s Bible, by Karyn Henley).  I don’t know if the simpler version made it easier for the boys to picture the scene or what, but they both got really into their LEGO projects while I read aloud from Jotham’s Journey.  They each created trees with giant apples, and Elijah even had a “snake” crawling along the ground.  He was so excited to tell us all about his creation.

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We switched songs tonight, closing with “Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne,” which we learned last year during Advent.  (The melody is a little tricky to learn, so we sang along to a video with lyrics.)