still to come

Now that I’m almost caught up to where we are with our Bible lessons, I just wanted to mention that I do plan on posting on other subjects as well.  We’re just about done with our first run-through of Before Five in a Row (B4FIAR), where we’ve pretty much just read the books.  As we start going through them again, I’m hoping to do a few more activities with Ian related to each book so I’ll be sharing about those.

I also want to be able to share some of the great homeschool resources I’ve come across. My oldest may only be three, but I LOVE research.  I also like to know where I’m going, so I’m usually a few steps ahead of where we need to be.  I read marriage books as a teenager, parenting books as a single teacher, and I started looking into homeschooling before Ian had turned two.  So nowadays I’m reading a lot about the early elementary years, and I’ve come across some great resources for families trying to homeschool on a strict budget.

The other thing I hope to post on are parenting books and other resources that have really impacted me.  I think it’s so important to be intentional in the way we raise our children, rather than just reacting to the issues that come up.  I’m looking forward to reviewing some of the books that have shaped my vision for parenting.  (Again, my oldest is only three.  I’m no expert.  BUT that researching bug has helped me discover some of the REAL experts out there.)