Elijah and the Widow’s Son

Elijah and the Widow's SonThis week as we talked about Elijah bringing the widow’s son back to life, I wanted to focus on how God can use us to minister to others.  So in addition to reading that story in 1 Kings 17:8-24 (including the story of Elijah meeting the widow and her son and how God provided for them all), we also read John 14:12-14.  In this passage Jesus, who by this time has performed many miracles, including raising people from the dead (Jairus’ daughter, the widow’s son, and Lazarus) tells his disciples, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.  Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”  I’m always awed by that verse.  And convicted.  I don’t walk daily in that kind of faith.  But I want to, and I want my children to grow up knowing that truth deep within their beings.  That’s why I chose to work with Ian on memorizing John 14:14, which we sang to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me”:

“If you ask me anything / in my name I will do it. / If you ask me anything / in my name I will do it.” / John 14:14, John 14:14, John 14:14 / “If you ask… I will do it.”

When Elijah asked the widow for bread, she told him she was down to her last bit of flour and oil.  He told her to first make him “a little cake” and then prepare some for her and her son.  God continued to multiply her flour and oil so they had food to get them through.  We enjoyed some pancakes for breakfast this week to remind us of the story.

Our iPod playlist was pretty similar to last week’s (but even simpler):

And now for a confession.  We didn’t spend nearly enough time on our memory verse for Ian to become familiar with it.  Nor did I have any ideas for our Bible notebook page.  Given those two factors, we skipped it.  I didn’t want to drag the lesson out any longer (and I’m looking forward to my favorite Elijah story next week), so I just decided to move on.  I didn’t even take pictures of our flannel board set this week because Ian started acting crazy when I got out the camera.  Kind of a dud of a week, huh?  All the more reason to put it behind us.  I know Ian learned the story (actually I had my doubts until I heard him re-telling it to Daddy at one point) and that’s what’s most important to me.  The “products” of the journey are secondary to getting God’s Word into his heart as we go.