David’s Calling

David's CallingIn our second week discussing David, our focus was on Samuel anointing him to become king.  As I was planning which stories to use outside the ABC Jesus Loves Me 3-Year Old Curriculum, I looked through the list in the book that came with our flannel board set: (Betty Lukens: Through the Bible in Felt). This one seemed simple enough to use with a young child yet with a clear message he could remember.  I chose to emphasize two parts of the story: first that God chose David and had Samuel anoint him years before he actually was crowned king, and second that God based his decision on David’s heart, rather than his outward appearance.  I told Ian that just like with David, God has something planned for his life, even though we don’t yet know what it is and it will probably be years before he sees it come to happen.

As always, he really enjoyed using the flannel board set to learn the story, tell it with me, and act it out on his own.  I focused on the scene where Samuel looks over each of Jesse’s sons and then anoints David with oil.

We read the story straight from 1 Samuel 16 and in the original version of The Beginner’s Bible (by Karyn Henley).  We also watched the video “David and Goliath” from the series Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible.  (As with the Nest Animated Bible Stories, I record these on the DVR and save them for the appropriate lesson.  We’ll probably watch the Nest video on David next week.)

For Ian’s Bible notebook I wanted to find some sort of art project to do with oil, since the anointing was the part of the story he seemed to enjoy acting out most of all.  So I was glad when I found this suggestion online.

It’s not one of my favorite pages we’ve done, but I’m okay with that.  Part of the problem was I wanted to include more of Psalm 23, especially up to “You anoint my head with oil,” so it ended up being very wordy.  Plus Ian doesn’t go for coloring much, so it’s more Mommy’s work than his.  I drew the picture of the heart with the crown, just so we could talk about the story a little more, and then I let Ian rub the back with oil on a cotton ball.

On our iPod playlist we repeated a number of things from last week (since we’re still working on the same memory passage):

All in all we had a pretty simple week with our Bible story, but I know Ian understood it because he acted it out with the flannel board a lot on his own.  And since my goal is to help him hide the Word in his heart, I’d say we had a successful week!